Search Marketing Equity Dashboard

Grow Search Marketing Equity®

We compare digital marketing strategy to building value on a strong asset, or building brand equity, whether it’s a home, a building, or a successful business; online we build Search Marketing Equity.

You build long-term, appreciating assets.

You don't take shortcuts or crazy risks.

The highest ROI a business can achieve online typically comes from natural, organic search engine traffic. We enable traffic growth and deliver more value in this important area by improving a company’s organic market visibility, then optimizing delivery of their site and the user-experience that follows, leading to more conversions and better outcomes for customers.

Maintaining brand consistency is crucial in this process. Uniformity in brand aesthetics and messaging helps build brand recognition, which in turn cements values and preconceptions about brands in the target audience's mind.

We have a proven strategic process to increase organic and market share and visibility through research, AI-powered content insights, performance-built websites, fresh streams of relevant content, all super-charged by advanced on-page & off-page SEO techniques and strategies ranging from Schema Markup to High-End Link Building. One of the simplest ways to build Search Marketing Equity today is by optimizing site speed and user experience for visitors.

Brand equity plays a significant role in increasing consumer brand awareness and therefore consumer loyalty.

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Create Remarkable Content

We help our clients create content that engages customers with the customer, brand story and values. And that kind of content moves customers, consumers and prospects through the stages of the sales funnel.


Build Traffic Organically

We help brands build organic, social & referral traffic + inbound links by creating remarkable content, interactive polls, quizzes & calculators, intriguing articles and videos for brands that their target audience and visitors want to share and promote. Brand loyalty plays a crucial role in driving organic traffic by encouraging repeat visits and customer trust.

Loyalty programs can incentivize loyal customers to share and promote content, further in revenue and boosting organic traffic.


Elevate Your Visibility on Search Engines

High brand equity, combined with remarkable content properly marked up for Schema, paired with intelligent SEO strategy and proven tactics, elevates your rank in search, which turns market potential into more dollars and increased traffic for your business from new customers and competitors.

Building Search Marketing Equity®

Tracking Performance on Real-Time Dashboards

Our Unique Approach

We start with research. And in the field of Organic Search, there’s no better source of data about your website and its potential target audience, consumers, than Google itself in the form of Google Search Console. We also use focus groups to test messaging and improve accuracy in addressing customer expectations.

From there we identify opportunities, namely keyphrases where Google has already recognized your potential, but hasn’t elevated your results to a level where anyone has discovered you yet. We refer to this as finding your “troubled teens”, as in identifying which keyphrases where you are showing up #13-#25, just off Google’s traffic-rich first page. Additionally, we identify how leveraging strategic partnerships with reputable brands and services is crucial in building brand equity,  consumer trust and adding value to the business.

Explore our full approach at a high-level below:

Identify goals and objectives that are both substantial and achievable within a committed time period

Identify key roles and buyers who makes up your considered purchase cycle or decision process and build your personas around them. This work pays off in content development, media selection and targeting.      

There's no better source of research for your website and the potential that can be unlocked than Google itself via Google Search Console. Bing Webmaster can yield similar insights. We'll tap these sources and more to fully research and quantify your Market Opportunity and baseline your Market Visibility.

We help clients understand the potential of unlocking Google Search including a realistic assessment as to steps, investment and timeframe. 

Seth Godin says, "Be Remarkable. Create things people want to REMARK about."

We love this idea and will never forget it. As a result, it guides our strategy when it comes to creating content on the web: Create content that is unique, relevant to your intended audience, and remarkable, so that people will want to remark and share your ideas with their world.

Videos, pages and blog posts must be unique to your business to establish authority. They must be relevant and intriguing to your intended audience in order to earn engagement. Timeliness and consistency in publishing new content on a regular basis will earn you additional credibility and visibility. 

We'll help you quantify down to the word count and keyphrase basis what it will take to climb up Google's ranking for any given keyphrase and topic.


We enable our clients to markup their content so that its context and content can be more readily and easily understood by search engines and voice assistants alike.

This is an absolutely critical step to getting Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant to read your answer out loud for voice search results, and a necessary step to achieving greater presence and higher ranking in Google search results, in our experience. 

Your target audience needs a way to read and react, leave a comment, pose a question, subscribe to your content or take part in a poll or contest. This is a proven way of cultivating sharing and  increasing time on site and engagement... and it leads to one of our best strategies for natural link building (which follows)

The greatest content in the world is of little value to you (or anyone else) if it remains invisible -- confined to just your site.

Great content deserves to be shared. And the best possible shares come from your target audience whose sphere of influence is precisely who you want to reach: Their peers, associates, family and friends.

Valued Partnership that Elevates our Schema Markup Delivery


Schema App Powers Connection Model to deliver ROI for clients:

We see schema markup as an invaluable and inseparable component of organic search marketing in 2021, along with Content Optimization for Search and Technical Analysis and Insights. Utilizing schema markup helps make content more understandable and relevant to search engines, thereby improving market visibility loyal customer, and engagement.

Partnering with Schema App allows our agency with new products to help our clients:

  • Boost Visibility on Google Search Results Pages (SERPs)
  • Increase Potential (impressions) from Organic Search
  • Increase Traffic from Organic Search
  • Stand out on Google by enabling pages to include Rich Results like Reviews / Star Ratings, Pricing, Availability, and FAQs
  • Improve Click-thru rates from search results
  • Increase the variety of Google delivery formats in which our clients’ pages appear

Search Marketing Equity is what you gain when you choose to create a great digital marketing and advertising strategy, empowered and automated by technologies like Schema App, then focus and execute relentlessly.

Should we be working together? Let's talk
Schema App Trusted Partner Connection Model
“The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of Google search.”

– Anonymous


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Agency Recognition

Connection Model named Best SEO Agencies 2022 reviewed 27 SEO Experts serving Bellevue and Picked the Top 15

After a review of local experts, Connection Model, LLC has been identified and published on as one of the Best SEO Experts in the Bellevue, WA area, the closest major city to Issaquah, WA,  home of Connection Model. 

"Connection Model LLC is a digital marketing agency in Issaquah that serves the Bellevue metro area. This agency is focused on measurable efforts that prioritize revenue and lead generation. With inbound marketing as its core service, Connection Model LLC works with clients to devise targeted efforts and optimizes their websites to attract the customers most likely to engage with their business. Its activities are split between on- and off-page SEO methods, which entail strategic changes to content, site infrastructure, and the proliferation of inbound links." 

Visit the Top 15 Review on