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6 Ways to Use Content Marketing to Boost Your Brand's Authority

Written by David Carpenter | January 06, 2021

Every business wants it. But, not everyone has it. Brand authority. It’s presented as a solution to many digital marketing challenges, and it’s also a worthy goal in itself.

But, you need the right content to build and sustain it. Here is what you need to know about brand authority and some of the ways you can use content marketing to boost how people feel about your brand.  

What is Brand Authority?

Brand authority refers to the trust that consumers have in your brand as well as the degree to which they view you as an expert in a particular subject matter. If the public accepts that you are an “authority” in your field, it’s assumed that you have brand authority.

Just like anything else, why should you care? The value of having brand authority is somewhat obvious. When people trust you, they are more likely to give you their business, be repeat customers, and even refer others. 

A good example of a company with oodles of brand authority is Patagonia. The company was founded by Yvon Chouinard, who is an outdoorsman, rock climber, and environmentalist. This company not only knows its stuff, but it also walks its walk by heavily supporting environmental causes. Consumers trust the brand implicitly and are fiercely loyal to its products. 

How to Gauge Your Brand’s Authority

It’s never a good idea to assume you understand how your target audience views your brand. Before you launch any digital marketing strategies, take a look at your brand’s perception across various channels. Here are a few questions you can ask:

  • Have your branded searches increased or decreased? What keywords are people using to locate your brand? 
  • Is your brand ever mentioned in the press? Set up a Google Alert with your name to get a real-time notification of any mentions. 
  • How are consumers becoming aware of your brand? Is it from your content or someone else’s mention of your name? 

Ways to Use Content Marketing to Boost Brand Authority

Unfortunately, you can’t declare that you have brand authority or award it to yourself; it involves a trust that others confer to you. But, it would be a mistake to think that your brand’s authority is out of your hands. Far from it. 

You can control your brand’s reputation and level of authority by consistently demonstrating that you know your stuff. This is where content marketing comes in. 

Here are some of the top ways you can use content marketing to boost your brand’s authority:

1. Answer Your Audience’s Questions

People turn to search engines like Google and even social media with questions. They want to know “how” to do something, “when” to do it, “where” to go, or “why” something does or doesn’t happen. 

You can establish your brand as an authority by identifying questions that relate to your products or services and then giving consumers the answers they seek. Whether it’s a temperature chart or an installation video, provide enough of this type of helpful content, and people will remember your name as the ones who can answer questions. 

2. Create Newsworthy Studies and Reports

Another way to build brand authority through content is by creating newsworthy studies and reports. 

People are always looking for stats and new insights. When you can provide some original content in this respect, you’ll earn a lot of media coverage and respect. 

Creating this content is more time-consuming because you need to have the data to back it up. Similar to the prior tactic, find out what information people are searching for and set out to deliver it. 

3. Leverage the Authority of Your In-House Experts

If you have in-house experts, make sure you’re using them to build brand authority through blog posts and videos. Elon Musk with Tesla/Space-X and Bill Gates with Microsoft are a few obvious examples. But, small companies can build authority with their experts, too. 

For example, Andy Puddicombe, the founder of Headspace, links to his Ted Talk on the company’s website. As the actual voice of the app, when people trust Andy, they’re also likely to trust the business. 

4. Highlight Case Studies, Reviews, and Proof of Expertise

You can also boost your brand’s authority by posting content that highlights kudos given to it by others or citations in different studies. The goal is to demonstrate your expertise, so a post pointing out that you were featured in someone else’s case study would be appropriate. 

Validation from current and past clients can also help build trust among those who don’t quite know you yet. Share logos of companies you’ve served or partnered with and any media mentions you’ve received. 

5. Give Away Some of Your Secrets

With no hidden agenda, it’s always beneficial for your brand when you share what you know with others. Your intent should always be to add value and help your audience solve their problems. 

No one is asking you to give away all of your products or services for free, but people appreciate a brand that is open and willing to help. For example, publisher Penguin Random House has a division that promotes reading among children, which is a savvy long game for the brand. 

6. Associate with Other Industry Authorities

Other brands with authority aren’t necessarily the enemy. You can align with other brands, experts, or companies whose products would complement your own. 

When you earn the respect of a popular brand, some of that trust will transfer to you. Think about the power that Oprah’s “nod” gives to a book author. 

Through content, you can @mention brands on social media or through blog posts and hope for a return favor. You can also directly approach other brands and propose a collaboration. 

Content marketing is an essential part of your digital marketing strategy. It not only builds awareness and drives conversions, but content also helps build brand authority. If you’re ready to take your online marketing to the next level, find out how Connection Model’s results-driven solutions can help. 

Contact us today to request an assessment, and we’ll tell you how our solutions can help boost your brand’s authority.