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How to Re-Purpose Your Content Assets

Written by David Carpenter | October 21, 2020

As a business owner, digital marketer, or both, you have plenty to do and probably not enough hours in the day to get it done.

To drum up new business and keep your current clients engaged, you’re also under constant pressure to deliver high-quality content that audiences will devour. That’s a tall order. 

So, how can you continue to produce this content when your time and resources are limited? One way is by turning one piece into two or more through a process called repurposing.

Why You Should Repurpose Your Content

Repurposing content simply means that you’re taking an existing piece of content and finding ways to reuse it. Doing this has a number of benefits to your digital marketing strategy:

Reach New Audiences

Some visitors prefer to consume different types of content. For example, some prefer video over blog posts; others would rather look at infographics or listen to a podcast. When you reformat your content into these different mediums, you have the opportunity to appeal to broader audiences and can extend your reach. 

Reinforce Your Message

There’s something to be said for repetition in digital marketing. The more you talk about a particular topic, the more attention it will receive from visitors. In fact, the “Rule of Seven” in marketing states that consumers need to hear your message roughly seven times before they’ll take action. 

Instead of just covering a topic once and hoping for the best, you can repurpose it to approach it from different angles. It’s also a good idea to bring a fresh perspective to the subject by updating any statistics or studies you might reference in your content. 

Improve Your Organic Visibility 

A majority of website traffic still comes from organic search. And the search engines take a close look at your content as they decide how you will rank for particular terms. 

Again, a single post or video on a topic might get you some visitors, but you’ll get a significant lift in traffic and visibility by repurposing some of that content. And, if you publish any content on other websites, you might also get some valuable backlinks. 

10 Ways to Repurpose Your Content

In theory, it sounds simple enough to find some reusable content. But, executing this concept can get tricky. Repurposing isn’t the same thing as reposting. You’ll want to make some changes to the content, and sometimes that content might need a bit of refreshing. 

When choosing content to repurpose, take a look at your most popular posts. These will be topics that keep visitors coming back over and over, and they are prime targets to use for repurposing. 

Here are some of the best ways to repurpose your existing content and give your digital marketing efforts a significant boost. 

1. Create New Blog Posts

Some of your blog posts might have pulled in a ton of traffic for a time, and then those numbers dropped off. In other words, the content got “stale.” You can simply refresh that content by updating information and statistics. 

Alternatively, you can create a new piece of content that is similar - but new. For example, you might have a “Complete Guide to Digital Marketing Conferences for 202x,” depending on the year. 

2. Make an Infographic

If your original content had some nifty graphics or was full of data, you can repurpose either into a stunning infographic. People love infographics because they’re easy to consume, are informative, and are simple to share. But, they might be challenging to design if you want quality, so this is an area where you’ll likely ask for help. 

3. Produce a Video

According to Statista, 85% of internet users consume video content. Your popular blog posts should contain plenty of information that can be repurposed into a short video. People who are more visual learners and consumers will enjoy watching your informational or demonstration video posts. 

4. Create a Presentation

Actionable advice, meaningful quotes, or interesting statistics are excellent material to include in a short presentation that recaps your blog post. Your slides, which you can make in a program like Canva, should be easy to digest. You can share these on sites like LinkedIn and SlideShare

5. Craft an Email Series

Email marketing is still an effective means of connecting with your audience. Provided your target audience is existing leads or customers, you can repurpose content into an email series that consists of small, digestible “tips and tricks” or “how-tos” that would interest your audience.

6. Write an Ebook

You can probably expand on just about any piece of content to create an ebook. When you produce these long-form pieces of content, it boosts the credibility of your brand. It’s also an excellent marketing technique for collecting lead information if you make the ebook a downloadable asset. 

7. Do a Podcast

Consumers have increasingly become big fans of podcasts because they can listen to content on the go. A podcast works well while driving to work, exercising, or taking a break from other productive endeavors. 

You can repurpose just about any piece of content into a podcast, and it doesn’t have to be long. If you don’t feel you have the voice or patience to create a podcast, hiring this out is also simple. 

8. Host a Webinar

You can host a killer webinar that gets a ton of attendees. Make sure you promote it well in advance and expand on some of the topics that have brought in traffic in the past. When your webinar is over, you’ll still have people that will want the information. So host it on YouTube or some other video site as a piece of content that will continue to deliver results. 

9. Make a Social Media Campaign

Social media is the perfect outlet for bite-sized pieces of content that will drive visitors to your website and product pages. You can take statistics and quotes from your popular pieces of content and create an organized social media campaign. Going a step further, you can make some social media-friendly images containing your information that will perform even better. 

10. Build an FAQ Page

If you have a piece of content that has generated a lot of conversation, either in the comments section or through private messages, you can capitalize on this opportunity. Create a related FAQ page that recaps many of people’s questions and your company’s answers. 

Repurposing your content is a fantastic inbound marketing strategy, but it still takes time and effort. If you want to add this to your overall digital marketing plan, Connection Model can help. 

We focus on results-driven solutions that will grow your business. Contact us today to learn more about our services or request a free assessment of your digital footprint to get started.