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Social Media Marketing- Where are your buyers spending time?

Written by David Carpenter | February 17, 2014

You are in need of a little Social Media Marketing secret. We have tools and software that can find people talking about you and your industry. Platforms that will make you feel you are drinking from a fire hose with data and information.

Do you want to understand how to identify where your buyers are hanging out and spending their time on which Social Media platforms? To answer this question you must have the answer to a few questions about your customer.

Here are some facts that may help you.

63% of companies using Social Media say they have increased their marketing effectiveness. A high percentage of the visitors (90% - 97%) never come back to your site, visitors that leave and are just lost contacts. You shouldn't feel discouraged, just triple your visitors, and you triple your leads!

Most Marketers are focusing on the visitors the moment they see the prospect come in their store. In my opinion, which is the same as HubSpot’s, (a Content Management Software and an industry leader in Inbound Marketing), marketers should Attract, Convert, Close and Delight their visitors over time. Convert them to prospects with helpful information they are hungry to share they view as helpful throughout their buying process. No one wants to be sold, and almost NO one will buy on their first visit. Get them to return further down your Sales funnel and further down their sales cycle, by identifying that buyers purchasing cycle level. Give them information and ideas that help them feel good about their buying decision, experience and process.

A few more question for yourself.

1. Do you need to engage with those that follow you?
2. Do you know how to find which Social Media your customers use in their spare time?
3. Will you be creating content that is thought provoking and industry leading for your audience?

In Social Media, you are able to design content that fits your buyer persona, it then becomes sharable. When someone appreciates your knowledge and considers it helpful they are possibly asking others they know for their opinion. They may turn to colleagues or a mentor or a co-worker and share your Blog with friends or their uncle or boss that has experience on the subject. As it gets shared, you are gaining trust and a following. People become comfortable with your points, and you are gaining loyalty. So based on this fact you cannot create enough content IF it is useful.

People still ask for referrals; they get Uncle Joe’s opinion because of his history in the industry. They connect in Social Media, Facebook or Twitter.

So where do your buyers hang out in Social Media? (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) They are friends of your friends of their family members. 

Why do you expect every website visitor a buyer?

They don’t want to buy yet; they just want the information to discuss, remember? They are researching options and educating themselves. So give information to them! Delight them with some industry thought leading revolutionary EBook that could provide direction on transforming their business or process.

Many say buyers don't invest much time into buying. Have you seen the options for cars or sporting gear these days online? All this information if it is appreciated gets shared.

Many marketers don't give enough credit where it's due. Whether you're selling golfing gear or lattes, you should know more about your products than any customer. This extra knowledge stops you from realizing that basic knowledge to you might be completely transformational for a prospective customer.

Relevancy is a Phase in the buying process where an individual is part of a larger group of people that comprise of the potential market of a product or service. This is where the majority of content and Social Media happens. At the greatest level of inbound marketing, it's important to focus on attracting eyeballs that are going to be valuable to your business for a long term, even if they don't buy this moment. This is why you need content that can be shared and appreciated by many even if they don’t buy at this moment.

So where are your Buyers in Social Media? The answer is; they are everywhere in Social Media. You are not producing enough relevant content that they love to share. Get your friends and their family members to share your content.

Show me your friends and family, and I will show you your future!